everyone says they're 'different' -

and it's a bit boring, because they're not -
you can only be different if your model, talent, products and pricing are distinctly different -
and we say that, because that's what we've created -
something that benefits the two ends of the spectrum -
talent & the clients -
and by virtue of that (in our experience), the work -

we're going to long-handedly explain this here, by way of a headline faq -


introducing free.studio -
a borderless creative studio with talent and capability in Australia, the U.K,the U.S. and everywhere in-between -
free.studio is a new-age, membership-based creative studio, full of people whoare free to work exactly as they like, and have chosen to work with us -
our world-class free-folk get out from behind protectionist structures, andstraight into direct partnership with clients and partners, doing the worktogether -
partners who already have a hunch as to what they would do, if only they could-
real people who wish to feel the safety, the joy and freedom of sharing ideas,knowing that others are there to explore, support and make ideas, real -
no matter who those ideas come from -

if you're a 'creative' -
a 'client' -
or just a person with an idea that wants some help understanding if it could goanywhere - get in touch below -
perhaps we're the people and the place where your good idea could go -
where it could go to be set free -


we believe in people, and work, it's simple -
so we've engineered a way to work as a collective so that we are cost-neutral, before we speak to a client and take on work -
this means we don't have to on-charge clients for the cost-of-doing business -
and we don't have to mark-up the same way, in order to ensure ourselves against inflated costs -
this means people can get paid well, clients can pay less, and we can bring on the best talent for every single role, meaning that we only bring on the best casting for each job -
and that freedom of choice, and freedom from the usual confines of full-time contracts -
means that there is freedom to share ideas more readily -
and to super-charge clients ideas, in service of them and their businesses -
not, to the service of our own internal needs -


our free-folk - or working members of free.studio - all collectively combine to cover the shared costs of business, simple -
it means we can take on a broader, deeper set of members, and to represent their interests, knowing them well and knowing the jobs they're best suited for -
we are consistently open to new-members joining, however we're clear it's not simply a 'pay-to-play' service -
we meet all enquirers and we bring people on where they provide breadth or depth for client needs, fortunately for us, we know a lot of these fine-folk, and we're always getting to know more -


we take half-ideas and turn them into real things -
things the everyday person can understand, express and then talk to others about -
we're believers in ideas, and that truly, everybody has them -
but the difference between having an idea and seeing something special turn real -
is everything in between -
that's where we come in -
people, passion, process, perseverance, hustle, humility and good humour are just some of the ingredients required -
but the experience, the wide-world-view and shared values are what creates the teamwork that sets the best ideas free -
and to make the change they desire to -
our task? keep things simple, it's in simplicity that great leaps can be taken -
and anyone can do complex but once it's complex, it's just a sign the hard work is going to the wrong place; it's too late and simple may have sailed by -
so feel free to keep things simple with us, as you'll see we engineer from our start, together -
and feel free, free to get in touch, free to share an idea, or to seek one from us -
because wherever that idea comes from, if we agree there's something in it, we'll help you work out how to set your idea free -
and make it all that it can be -
We're not here to bamboozle - our simplicity is designed wth intention

We talk

To share an idea with another person is an act of trust. Yes, that sounds very 'West Coast' and hippy, but if you can't feel comfortable with the person you're sharing your idea with, you're likely to feel nervous, uncertain or to doubt yourself. Our starting-point is to talk, then to open up, and to have trust that we're not here to 'sell' one way or another. Our first session together is, well, free. and we're experts at helping people talk with comfort and confidence about their ideas, with no fear of failure. It's trust, yes. And you can trust that your idea goes nowhere without you, and we don't progress an idea unless we all, together, can see how we can make it real.  

We shape an initial idea (or not)

If we can share ideas and mutually feel like there is something in them, then there probably is. If we're not sure it can work, we'll just talk, say so, and know that with nothing ventured, nothing is gained. Oh, and if you're worried about sharing your idea and losing ownership over it, don't. We've got NDA's and documents available so can have comfort that nothing you share goes anywhere, without you. And you can trust, that if we feel there's a risk that we can't bring your idea to life, we'll say so. We're project-oriented, so if we can't see that a project would have a worthwhile end, then we can't in good consciousness recommend how we'd start.  

We evaluate how to carry the idea forward

We have a quick, 3-step framework using natural, honest language to evaluate how we'd need to shape a plan to transform an idea into it's ideal. That's the basis for everything thereafter. Pretty simple stuff really, because if it's not simple enough to understand at this point, then we're already doing it wrong.

We cast, collaborate and crack-on

If we're simpatico at this point, then we'll cast a bespoke team for you, filled 100% with people you buy in to. Nothing less. We don't unnecessarily drop in extra layers and levels. Your thinkers are your doers. Your doers your makers. Anything more, tends to cost more, but deliver less. We believe in purity of vision and always seeking the perfect partnership. Because you really need that, if there are some imperfect moments along the way.  

Because projects-win

You'll notice we're talking about projects here, not contracts, retainers or anything outside the work itself. That's what interests us. Winning a contract, or winning a project is not winning to us. Winning is when we deliver something together, and we all see it work its socks off. Winning is achieving what we set out together. That's teamwork, and time well spent. We don't entirely care for retainers, RFP's and the like. We like to swing through the 'sideline' stuff early, so we use your time, money and energy at its optimum. That means giving clients, partners and our people what they really want - the joy of achieving something that might not otherwise be possible.